SWNPHD's Program Managers teach proper hand-washing to preschools, schools, daycares and other organizations. To schedule your organization for a FREE class email paula@swhealth.ne.gov or call our office: 308-345-4223.
Repeated hand-washing is the best way to help from getting sick and spreading sickness that is caused by germs to others. As you touch other people and objects all through the day, you collect germs on your hands. You can spread sickness to yourself by touching your eyes, nose or mouth. It is hard to keep your hands germ-free, but washing your hands often can help limit the spread of germs.
How to Properly Wash your Hands
- Wet your hands with running water.
- Apply liquid, bar or powdered soap.
- Lather well.
- Rub your hands together for twenty seconds. Scrub all parts of your hands - the backs, wrists, between your fingers and under your nails.
- Rinse well.
- Dry your hands with a clean towel or air dryer.
- If possible, use a different dry towel to turn off the water.
*** Keep in mind that antibacterial soap is no more effective at killing germs than regular soap.
Using Hand Sanitizer
Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of germs on them. If soap and water is not available, the Center for Disease and Prevention Control (CDC) recommends using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcolhol. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can quickly reduce the number of germs on hands in some situations. Hand sanitizers do not eliminate all types of germs.
How to Properly Use Hand Sanitizer
- Apply the product to the palm of one hand.
- Rub your hands together.
- Rub the product over all surfaces of your hand and fingers until your hands are dry.
*** Hand sanitizers are not as effective when hands are visibly dirty.
Our Proper Handwashing stickers, pictured below, are available for free. Give us a call at 308-345-4223 to request yours.
Keep germs out of your school and download designs made by Nebraska children for Nebraska children.

Example of poster available for download. Poster created by Ellah from Palisade.